Etrel Teltonika router configuration (new WEB UI)

Firmware version from RUT2_R_00.07.03 has new design.

Older version:



  1. to enter router Web interface type in your web browser. Welcome page:

    login page

    home page
  2. use default username: admin and password: admin01 when prompted for authentication. You will be asked to change password before you can continue. (If password was already changed, check label on Teltonika)

  3. In right upper corner select Advanced mode to see all options. This will allow you to choose from a larger variety of settings.

  4. Click System - Administration and choose Access Control to check which options are enabled:

  5. click Services - Auto reboot - use IP address that you can ping from this SIM card and APN (OCEAN IP, radius server IP, ... )

  6. click Network - Firewall and then Port forwarding. If you have more charging station connected to the same router you will have to make more forward rules to each station. In that case you will also have to change IP of the charging station. Example: INCH 1 external port 10000, internal 80, local IP

  7. click Network - Interfaces - edit LAN. You can change router IP here if needed.

  8. click -Network - Wireless and disable / change this option if needed

  9. disable DNS rebind protection under Network / DNS

  10. click Network - Interfaces - edit Mobile and configure APN settings

  11. Click Network - Interfaces. If your APN settings are correct you will see IP and APN name

  12. If you want to change password or router name click System - System users - change password


12. One of the ports on router is configured as WAN. If you need it as LAN, follow those steps:

  • navigate to Network > Interfaces

  • Disable WAN and WAN6 interfaces and then Click Save & Apply

  • Next we will edit our LAN interface and navigate to Physical settings where we will add Interface item from the dropdown menu.

  • In interface tab, add "eth1" interface

  • It should result in something like this.

  • Once you're done with configurations above just save any changes you made.

  • Wait a minute or two for the changes to take effect. If there is no effect, reboot the device.

At this point, WAN port should work as LAN. Go ahead and try to swap from your to current port to WAN, you should be able to ping the router.