OCPP Info field length

Option 'Obey OCPP notification rules' (if enabled) is used to limit number of StatusNotification messages sent after period without connection to the center.
If this option is not enabled, and charger losses connection to the center, all StatusNotification messages (connector status changes) will be stored in the queue and all will be sent to the center once connection has been restored.
In case that you enable option 'Obey OCPP notification rules' only last StatusNotification message will be sent to the center after restoring connection.

The other option, 'Obey OCPP info field length' limits length of the Info filed in the OCPP messages.
Our chargers support longer event descriptions then it is specified by the OCPP 1.6 standard (50 characters). That way operator in central system gets more detailed information about event. Our center (Ocean) can handle those longer descriptions.

If some center can't handle longer info filed text, enabling this option will shorten it to the length specified by the OCPP standard.