01.07.2019 final - namespaces in ocpp requestu from backend - fixed 27.06.2019 - FW upgrade possible from webUI - added PublicChargerIP and PublicChargerPort on webUI - when both socket are busy (charging), third RFID card is rejeceted - if SetLoadProfile received and PowerManagementType set to LimitedWithMaxPower, message is rejected and error written to log. 19.04.2019 final - final version + changed version string 15.04.2019 - Socket error time is now shown on web page. - Modbus statistics is now shown on web page. - Reboot IEC and Reboot IO buttons on web page. General reboot now reboots IEC, IO and ARM. - Last SetMaxCurrent value set is now shown on web (status page). - SendResetSystemCommand - complete reset: resets modbus nodes 1,2,10 and then sends ResetArm command. - RCDAutoreclosure: automatic reclosure, if protection tripped. By default is disabled. Can work only if installed!!! and is dependent on protection tripping signals. - protection tripping: new DI inputs for protection HW state - decreaseChargingPower: max current on charging spot can be additionally limited, triggered by DI signal (for Swiss customers). - parking occupied DI inputs that trigger new messages - self check on sockets after station boot, or later if cable is in socket during boot - support for Italian language. - added remote UnlockConnector for Etrel protocol (OCPP already had it) + unlock connector on IEC 07.12.2018 final - fix for CustomMaxCurrentSinglePhase: on some locations (Flurin) the phases used are changing 1 <-> 3 during charging process. Had to adapt that it was filling with 3ph after each change 1-> 3ph. 12.10.2018 final - fix for reservations: remoteStartTransaction was rejected, if socket was reserved and userId in reservation was equal to userId in remoteStartTransaction request. 24.09.2018 final - feature: added parameter CustomMaxCurrentSinglePhase, default: 32A. Can be used from web interface - bugfix: reservation change text. Before: absoulute hour. Now: hour till reservation. - bugfix: plug and charge code can be changed - logging fuse trips for every conector and data transfer to server; setting login parameters from web interface - enabled change of Central system protocol from web interface.