####################################################### # Modbus writing Python script. # # More details in excel document # # Etrel INCH (Duo) SmartHome Modbus TCPRegisters.xlsx # # # # Version 2.6 # # November, 2022. # # Author: Samir Gutić, ETREL doo # ####################################################### #Imports from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusTcpClient from datetime import datetime #For UNIX timestamp conversion from pymodbus.payload import BinaryPayloadBuilder from pymodbus.constants import Endian #Initialisations UNIT = 1 separator=65 #Separator line length clientPort=502 clientPortCluster=503 connector="a" #Initialise connector #PLEASE CHANGE CHARGER'S IP ADDRESS FIRST ################################################ #clientIP="" #Charger's IP address clientIP="" #Charger's IP address ################################################ #Open client connection client = ModbusTcpClient(clientIP, clientPort) #Repeat connector selection until user enter e while connector!="e": print("-" * separator) connector= input("Please enter connector number 1 or 2 for " + clientIP + " (e to exit): ") option="a" #Initialise option if (connector=="1"): #Repeat option selectoon for selected connector until user enter e while option!="e": try: print("-" * separator) print("AVAILABLE WRITING OPTIONS for", clientIP) print("-" * separator) print(">>> CONNECTOR 1 COMMANDS <<<") print(" 1. Stop charging") print(" 2. Pause charging") print(" 3. Set departure time") print(" 4. Set current setpoint") print(" 5. Cancel current setpoint") print(" 6. Set power setpoint") print(" 7. Cancel power setpoint") print(" 8. Send RFID tag") print("\n>>> CHARGER COMMANDS <<<") print(" 9. Set time") print("10. Restart charger") print("\n>>> CLUSTER COMMANDS <<<") print("11. Cluster - set limit L1") print("12. Cluster - set limit L2") print("13. Cluster - set limit L3") print("-" * separator) #Read user input (option to write) option= input("Please enter option number (1 to 13 or e to exit): ") if (option=='1' or option=='2' or option=='3' or option=='4' or option=='5' or option=='6' or option=='7' or option=='8' or option=='9'): #client = ModbusTcpClient(clientIP, clientPort) #Print connection info print("-" * separator) print("Connection:",client) if (option=='1' or option=='2' or option=='3' or option=='4' or option=='5'): print("-" * separator) print(">>> CONNECTOR COMMANDS <<<") print("-" * separator) if (option=='1'): #1. Stop charging (sysntax: serverResponse = client.write_registers(address, value)) serverResponse = client.write_registers(1, 1) print("[1]Stop charging on " + str(client)) if (option=='2'): #2. Pause charging serverResponse = client.write_registers(2, 1) print("[2]Pause charging on " + str(client)) if (option=='3'): #3. Set departure time (Unix time (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)) unixTime=int(input("Please enter UNIX timestamp: ")) #unixTime=int("1578502800") #8-1-2020 17:00:00 binBuilder = BinaryPayloadBuilder(byteorder=Endian.Big,wordorder=Endian.Big) binBuilder.add_64bit_int(unixTime) regData = binBuilder.build() serverResponse = client.write_registers(4, regData, skip_encode=True) print("[4]Set departure time to: " + str(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(unixTime).strftime('%H:%M:%S %d-%m-%Y '))) if (option=='4'): #4. Set current setpoint currentSetpoint=float(input("Please enter current setpoint in A (e.g. 6.6): ")) #currentSetpoint=6.60 if (currentSetpoint>=6.0 and currentSetpoint<=32.0): binBuilder = BinaryPayloadBuilder(byteorder=Endian.Big,wordorder=Endian.Big) binBuilder.add_32bit_float(currentSetpoint) regData = binBuilder.build() serverResponse = client.write_registers(8, regData, skip_encode=True) print("[8]Set current setpoint to: " + str(int(currentSetpoint)) + "A") #int because charger sets target to integer value else: print("You have entered unsuported value(" + str(currentSetpoint) + ")") print("Value must be between 6.0 and 32.0") if (option=='5'): #5. Cancel current setpoint serverResponse = client.write_registers(10, 1) print("[10]Cancel current setpoint on " + str(client)) if (option=='6'): #6. Set power setpoint powerSetpoint=float(input("Please enter power setpoint in kW (e.g. 11.1): ")) if (powerSetpoint<=22.0): binBuilder = BinaryPayloadBuilder(byteorder=Endian.Big,wordorder=Endian.Big) binBuilder.add_32bit_float(powerSetpoint) regData = binBuilder.build() serverResponse = client.write_registers(11, regData, skip_encode=True) print("[11]Set power setpoint to: " + str(powerSetpoint) + "kW") #int because charger sets target to integer value else: print("You have entered unsuported value(" + str(powerSetpoint) + ")") print("Value must be equal to or less than 22") if (option=='7'): #7. Cancel power setpoint serverResponse = client.write_registers(13, 1) print("[13]Cancel power setpoint on " + str(client)) if (option=='8'): #8. Send RFID tag # Input RFID tag strRFID= input("Please enter RFID tag (06CD962A): ") a = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18] j=0 regData=[0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] #Convert RFID tag to HEX for i in a: string= strRFID[i:i+2].encode('utf-8') #print(s.hex()) if (string.hex()!=""): modbusHex="0x" + string.hex() else: modbusHex="0x0" hex_int = int(modbusHex, 16) regData[j]=hex_int #print(regData[j]) j=j+1 # Write data to the modbus register 14 serverResponse = client.write_registers(14, regData) print("[14]Send RFID tag " + strRFID + " to connector 1 of " + str(client)) if (option=='9' or option=='10'): print("-" * separator) print(">>> CHARGER COMMANDS <<<") print("-" * separator) if (option=='9'): #8. Set time (Unix time (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)) unixTime=int(input("Please enter UNIX timestamp: ")) #unixTime=int("1601984744") #6-10-2020 13:45:44 binBuilder = BinaryPayloadBuilder(byteorder=Endian.Big,wordorder=Endian.Big) binBuilder.add_64bit_int(unixTime) regData = binBuilder.build() serverResponse = client.write_registers(1000, regData, skip_encode=True) print("[1000]Set time to: " + str(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(unixTime).strftime('%H:%M:%S %d-%m-%Y '))) if (option=='10'): #9. Restart charger serverResponse = client.write_registers(1004, 1) print("[1004]Restart charger " + str(client)) elif (option=='11' or option=='12' or option=='13'): client = ModbusTcpClient(clientIP, clientPortCluster) print("-" * separator) print(">>> CLUSTER COMMANDS <<<") print("-" * separator) if (option=='11'): #10. Cluster - set limit L1 currentlimitL1=float(input("Please enter cluster current limit for L1 in A (e.g. 6.6): ")) #currentlimitL1=6.00 if (currentlimitL1>=6.0): # and currentlimitL1<=32.0): binBuilder = BinaryPayloadBuilder(byteorder=Endian.Big,wordorder=Endian.Big) binBuilder.add_32bit_float(currentlimitL1) regData = binBuilder.build() serverResponse = client.write_registers(2000, regData, skip_encode=True) #print(serverResponse) print("[2000]Cluster - set limit L1 to: " + str(currentlimitL1) + "A") else: print("You have entered unsuported value(" + str(currentlimitL1) + ")") print("Value must be between 6.0 and 32.0") if (option=='12'): #11. Cluster - set limit L2 currentlimitL2=float(input("Please enter cluster current limit for L2 in A (e.g. 6.6): ")) #currentlimitL2=6.00 if (currentlimitL2>=6.0): binBuilder = BinaryPayloadBuilder(byteorder=Endian.Big,wordorder=Endian.Big) binBuilder.add_32bit_float(currentlimitL2) regData = binBuilder.build() serverResponse = client.write_registers(2002, regData, skip_encode=True) #print(serverResponse) print("[2002]Cluster - set limit L2 to: " + str(currentlimitL2) + "A") else: print("You have entered unsuported value(" + str(currentlimitL2) + ")") print("Value must be between 6.0 and 32.0") if (option=='13'): #12. Cluster - set limit L3 currentlimitL3=float(input("Please enter cluster current limit for L3 in A (e.g. 6.6): ")) #currentlimitL3=6.00 if (currentlimitL3>=6.0): binBuilder = BinaryPayloadBuilder(byteorder=Endian.Big,wordorder=Endian.Big) binBuilder.add_32bit_float(currentlimitL3) regData = binBuilder.build() serverResponse = client.write_registers(2004, regData, skip_encode=True) #print(serverResponse) print("[2004]Cluster - set limit L3 to: " + str(currentlimitL3) + "A") else: print("You have entered unsuported value(" + str(currentlimitL3) + ")") print("Value must be between 6.0 and 32.0") else: if (option!='e'): print("*" * separator) print("You have entered unsuported option(" + str(option) + ")") print("Please choose one of the offered options.") print("*" * separator) except: print("-" * separator) print("An error has occurred during writing!") elif (connector=="2"): #Repeat option selectoon for selected connector until user enter e while option!="e": try: print("-" * separator) print("AVAILABLE WRITING OPTIONS for", clientIP) print("-" * separator) print(">>> CONNECTOR 2 COMMANDS <<<") print(" 1. Stop charging") print(" 2. Pause charging") print(" 3. Set departure time") print(" 4. Set current setpoint") print(" 5. Cancel current setpoint") print(" 6. Set power setpoint") print(" 7. Cancel power setpoint") print(" 8. Send RFID tag") print("\n>>> CHARGER COMMANDS <<<") print(" 9. Set time") print("10. Restart charger") print("\n>>> CLUSTER COMMANDS <<<") print("11. Cluster - set limit L1") print("12. Cluster - set limit L2") print("13. Cluster - set limit L3") print("-" * separator) #Read user input (option to write) option= input("Please enter option number (1 to 13 or e to exit): ") if (option=='1' or option=='2' or option=='3' or option=='4' or option=='5' or option=='6' or option=='7' or option=='8' or option=='9'): client = ModbusTcpClient(clientIP, clientPort) #Print connection info print("-" * separator) print("Connection:",client) if (option=='1' or option=='2' or option=='3' or option=='4' or option=='5'): print("-" * separator) print(">>> CONNECTOR COMMANDS <<<") print("-" * separator) if (option=='1'): #1. Stop charging (sysntax: serverResponse = client.write_registers(address, value)) serverResponse = client.write_registers(101, 1) print("[101]Stop charging on " + str(client)) if (option=='2'): #2. Pause charging serverResponse = client.write_registers(102, 1) print("[102]Pause charging on " + str(client)) if (option=='3'): #3. Set departure time (Unix time (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)) unixTime=int(input("Please enter UNIX timestamp: ")) #unixTime=int("1578502800") #8-1-2020 17:00:00 binBuilder = BinaryPayloadBuilder(byteorder=Endian.Big,wordorder=Endian.Big) binBuilder.add_64bit_int(unixTime) regData = binBuilder.build() serverResponse = client.write_registers(104, regData, skip_encode=True) print("[104]Set departure time to: " + str(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(unixTime).strftime('%H:%M:%S %d-%m-%Y '))) if (option=='4'): #4. Set current setpoint currentSetpoint=float(input("Please enter current setpoint in A (e.g. 6.6): ")) #currentSetpoint=6.60 if (currentSetpoint>=6.0 and currentSetpoint<=32.0): binBuilder = BinaryPayloadBuilder(byteorder=Endian.Big,wordorder=Endian.Big) binBuilder.add_32bit_float(currentSetpoint) regData = binBuilder.build() serverResponse = client.write_registers(108, regData, skip_encode=True) print("[108]Set current setpoint to: " + str(int(currentSetpoint)) + "A") #int because charger sets target to integer value else: print("You have entered unsuported value(" + str(currentSetpoint) + ")") print("Value must be between 6.0 and 32.0") if (option=='5'): #5. Cancel current setpoint serverResponse = client.write_registers(110, 1) print("[110]Cancel current setpoint on " + str(client)) if (option=='6'): #6. Set current setpoint powerSetpoint=float(input("Please enter power setpoint in kW (e.g. 11.1): ")) #powerSetpoint=6.60 if (powerSetpoint<=22.0): binBuilder = BinaryPayloadBuilder(byteorder=Endian.Big,wordorder=Endian.Big) binBuilder.add_32bit_float(powerSetpoint) regData = binBuilder.build() serverResponse = client.write_registers(111, regData, skip_encode=True) print("[111]Set power setpoint to: " + str(powerSetpoint) + "kW") else: print("You have entered unsuported value(" + str(powerSetpoint) + ")") print("Value must be equal to or less than 22.0") if (option=='7'): #7. Cancel current setpoint serverResponse = client.write_registers(113, 1) print("[113]Cancel power setpoint on " + str(client)) if (option=='8'): #8. Send RFID tag # Input RFID tag strRFID= input("Please enter RFID tag (06CD962A): ") a = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18] j=0 regData=[0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] #Convert RFID tag to HEX for i in a: string= strRFID[i:i+2].encode('utf-8') #print(s.hex()) if (string.hex()!=""): modbusHex="0x" + string.hex() else: modbusHex="0x0" hex_int = int(modbusHex, 16) regData[j]=hex_int #print(regData[j]) j=j+1 # Write data to the modbus register 114 serverResponse = client.write_registers(114, regData) print("[114]Send RFID tag " + strRFID + " to connector 2 of " + str(client)) if (option=='9' or option=='10'): print("-" * separator) print(">>> CHARGER COMMANDS <<<") print("-" * separator) if (option=='9'): #9. Set time (Unix time (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)) unixTime=int(input("Please enter UNIX timestamp: ")) #unixTime=int("1578380400") #7-1-2020 7:00:00 binBuilder = BinaryPayloadBuilder(byteorder=Endian.Big,wordorder=Endian.Big) binBuilder.add_64bit_int(unixTime) regData = binBuilder.build() serverResponse = client.write_registers(1000, regData, skip_encode=True) print("[1000]Set time to: " + str(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(unixTime).strftime('%H:%M:%S %d-%m-%Y '))) if (option=='10'): #10. Restart charger serverResponse = client.write_registers(1004, 1) print("[1004]Restart charger " + str(client)) elif (option=='11' or option=='12' or option=='13'): client = ModbusTcpClient(clientIP, clientPortCluster) print("-" * separator) print(">>> CLUSTER COMMANDS <<<") print("-" * separator) if (option=='11'): #11. Cluster - set limit L1 currentlimitL1=float(input("Please enter cluster current limit for L1 in A (e.g. 6.6): ")) #currentlimitL1=6.00 if (currentlimitL1>=6.0 and currentlimitL1<=32.0): binBuilder = BinaryPayloadBuilder(byteorder=Endian.Big,wordorder=Endian.Big) binBuilder.add_32bit_float(currentlimitL1) regData = binBuilder.build() serverResponse = client.write_registers(2000, regData, skip_encode=True) #print(serverResponse) print("[2000]Cluster - set limit L1 to: " + str(currentlimitL1) + "A") else: print("You have entered unsuported value(" + str(currentlimitL1) + ")") print("Value must be between 6.0 and 32.0") if (option=='12'): #12. Cluster - set limit L2 currentlimitL2=float(input("Please enter cluster current limit for L2 in A (e.g. 6.6): ")) #currentlimitL2=6.00 if (currentlimitL2>=6.0 and currentlimitL2<=32.0): binBuilder = BinaryPayloadBuilder(byteorder=Endian.Big,wordorder=Endian.Big) binBuilder.add_32bit_float(currentlimitL2) regData = binBuilder.build() serverResponse = client.write_registers(2002, regData, skip_encode=True) #print(serverResponse) print("[2002]Cluster - set limit L2 to: " + str(currentlimitL2) + "A") else: print("You have entered unsuported value(" + str(currentlimitL2) + ")") print("Value must be between 6.0 and 32.0") if (option=='13'): #13. Cluster - set limit L3 currentlimitL3=float(input("Please enter cluster current limit for L3 in A (e.g. 6.6): ")) #currentlimitL3=6.00 if (currentlimitL3>=6.0 and currentlimitL3<=32.0): binBuilder = BinaryPayloadBuilder(byteorder=Endian.Big,wordorder=Endian.Big) binBuilder.add_32bit_float(currentlimitL3) regData = binBuilder.build() serverResponse = client.write_registers(2004, regData, skip_encode=True) #print(serverResponse) print("[2004]Cluster - set limit L3 to: " + str(currentlimitL3) + "A") else: print("You have entered unsuported value(" + str(currentlimitL3) + ")") print("Value must be between 6.0 and 32.0") #print("-" * separator) #print(">>> CUSTOM WRITE EXCEPTIONS <<<") #print("-" * separator) #client.close() else: if (option!='e'): print("*" * separator) print("You have entered unsuported option(" + str(option) + ")") print("*" * separator) except: print("-" * separator) print("An error has occurred during writing!") else: #print("Konektor: ", connector) if (connector!="1" and connector!="2"): if (connector=="e"): print ("To continue, please run script again.") else: print ("Connector number", connector, "doesn't exist. Plese enter 1 or 2") #Close client connection client.close()